targeting behavioral symptoms

Brief therapy targets behavioral symptoms via skill development over eight to twelve sessions. Solution-Focused Brief Therapies can supplement existing individual psychotherapy to manage symptoms from a cognitive behavioral approach while deeper underlying issues are processed in long-term therapy.

Brief Psychotherapy Model

The brief psychotherapy model progresses through a series of similar phases, session often becoming less frequent, but longer toward the end of therapy, to ensure that the changes are internalized and gains are maintained over time.

  • Engagement – fosters accelerated alliance and establishes a focused framework and goals.
  • Discrepancy– novel, uncomfortable experiences are created that move the patient toward new understanding during a state of high emotion. Success with new behavior patterns leads to feelings of mastery over internal conflicts

  • Consolidation – strengthen the changes and continue to try out new behaviors (“working through”). To see how repeated examples of how past feelings and perceptions are unnecessarily distorting their reactions to current issues.

Mililani Psychology Therapy Brief Therapies brief therapies


For New Patients Only

Brief Psychotherapy Offered

The brief psychotherapy model progresses through a series of similar phases, session often becoming less frequent, but longer toward the end of therapy, to ensure that the changes are internalized and gains are maintained over time.

  • Anxiety-When Panic Attacks
  • Parent Training (AD/HD; Behavioral issues)
  • Social Skills Training
  • Transition: College and Career